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Men on Boats
Men on Boats
| Costume Designer |
Production Credits
Director: Marian Barshinger
Scenic Designer: John Foreman
Lighting Design: Andee Roby
Sound Design: John Webber
Stage Manager: Elise Fuselier
Production Photos: Jared Tseng & Erin Torkelson
Process Photos: Paige Triplett
MOB Design Concept
Men on Boats is a play about the discovery and exploration of the Grand Canyon. It is a play that is based on the real lives of the explorers during this time period and although everyone on the expedition was male, the cast is all female. This gave me the opportunity to explore the lines of gender with each of the characters and the actors individually. The directors concept was inspired by rock strata formations in the grand canyon, which costume wise led me to the color palette I used for the show, inspired by these formations. An exciting challenge that I had to face with my team was that the main character, Powell, only has one arm. So the challenge came with representing this in a believable way on stage to keep the audience immersed in the world.
Production Photos
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